Herbal extract formulas in capsules

Extra strong 1:1 tincture formulas

Detox + Antioxidant formula

BORELISET - A Holistic Plan for Lyme Disease


The herbs are of excellent quality. I rarely get herx, but with these herbs it happened to me, so I reduced the dose according to the instructions. I've been trying to beat this for 12 years with all kinds of treatments and I've been researching herbs a lot the last year, so I'm glad I found a good and reliable supplier here in Europe!


after 13 years of hopelessness and all possible and impossible attempts (2 years ATB, healers, shamans...), something that really helps me... So far I see it as a miracle 🌞🙏🌞🙏🍀


The opening of the Onlyx e-shop really warmed my heart, especially because it offers an extended core protocol in powder form and herbal tablets, excellent professional advice, a nice attitude and fast delivery. I've been on this protocol for just over two months and I'm seeing really beautiful progress ... it's divine ... thank you so much for everything ❤


I would like to sincerely thank Tom for his professional but also humane advice, encouraging words and help in making decisions in the treatment of Lyme disease. Wise, willing and good people like him are few and far between. Thank you! ♥️


Seven years ago I got Lyme disease. And went a long way with antibiotic protocols, it was years full of sorrows and crazy things (who knows, knows). After years, however, I began to be poisoned by chemistry and began to search for other natural treatment options. I do not condemn antibiotics. They literally saved my life. But everything takes its toll. I have been on different types of herbs, including the Buhner protocol, for almost 4 years. Thank you not only for the opportunity to order these herbs here, but also for your kind attitude.


Thank you very much, these emails are very encouraging and valuable to me. It's great that you give advice and help people like this!

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Herbal tablets (RAW)