My Story: From Chronic Lyme Disease to Full Recovery
I'm Zuzana and I'd like to take you through the darkest chapter of my life so far.
Before Everything Changed
I’ve always been a determined, positive, and balanced person full of energy, with a stable family background and no health problems to speak of. As a child, I excelled in school and had perfect attendance. After class, I would head straight to tennis practice, and on weekends, I was either riding my bike or skiing, always active and loving it. My parents and siblings were all healthy and in great shape.
During my time in university, as I was paving my way in my career and passionately dedicating myself to sports, my health began to gradually shift, slowly changing the course of my life plans.
A Time of Uncertainty: Searching for the Cause of My Mysterious Issues
In the spring of 2019, at the age of 22, I started noticing gradual changes in my health. I began to feel unnatural fatigue, migrating body pains, frequent viral infections, and longer recovery times after being sick. After repeated check-ups with my general practitioner, who found nothing wrong, I attributed my symptoms to overwork. I decided to slow down a bit and give my body more rest. However, my health didn’t improve. The problems deepened, and more strange symptoms appeared, even though I had significantly reduced my commitments and activities. Gradually, I could manage only a minimal amount of tasks each day, missed classes at university, reduced my involvement at work, and was forced to cancel sports activities or meet-ups with friends. I constantly felt like I had the flu, even though my body temperature was only slightly elevated, if at all.
At my next visit to the general practitioner in the fall of 2019, all my test results came back normal once again. However, this time they also checked for infection levels and discovered a highly active Mycoplasma pneumoniae. I was prescribed antibiotics for six weeks and felt like we had finally found the cause of my problems, and that I would soon return to my former health. But I was soon to realize that this assumption was far too hopeful. After starting the antibiotics, I only experienced mild relief. Three weeks into the treatment, the illness came back in full force, and the antibiotics no longer had any effect. How was it possible that up until now my body had always been able to cope with everything, and now it couldn’t?
I then found myself caught in an endless and frustrating loop of visits to specialists - internists, infectious disease doctors, rheumatologists, immunologists, hematologists, pulmonologists, and more. Each time, the result was the same: everything seemed fine. On paper, it was just lingering mononucleosis (elevated EBV levels), high CMV and VZV, positive Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydia pneumoniae (both supposedly treated), low vitamin D levels, and mild hormonal and immune imbalance - nothing serious. According to doctors, everyone feels tired after mononucleosis (though I had no idea when I’d had it). Officially, I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).
Some doctors suggested boosting my immune system through exercise, fresh air, positive thinking, or dietary supplements, while others saw me as a young, fragile girl seeking attention. Some even believed my pain was all “in my head” and recommended me to see a psychiatrist. But I was certain the cause of my problems wasn’t psychological. Still, I decided to follow the doctors' advice. However, how was I supposed to strengthen my immune system when I could barely get out of bed and felt like I had the flu for months on end?
At this point, I was no longer able to function normally and had become dependent on my family for even basic tasks, such as preparing meals. Thanks to the remote learning during the Covid pandemic, I was able to record lectures from school, which allowed me to stay somewhat connected to my studies.
For months, I lived in overwhelming despair, spending entire days in bed, suffering from pain. Every morning, I would wake up to a nightmare – on paper, I was fine, but in reality, I was in pain, unable to function, and completely lost as to what to do next. Despite resting, eating a healthy diet, getting fresh air and exercise through the pain, and trying every immune-boosting remedy I could find, my condition didn’t improve; instead, it worsened day by day. Sleep became increasingly difficult, as some symptoms were so intense and frightening. For example, I would wake up in the middle of the night, unable to breathe and experiencing strange chest pains.
These symptoms alternated on a daily basis:
- Persistent flu-like feeling
- Elevated body temperature
- Sore throat
- Extreme fatigue
- Back pain
- Neck pain
- Difficulty breathing, chest burning
- Severe acne
- Pain and tingling in the limbs
- Strange heart palpitations, tingling in the chest
- Popping in the joints
- Recurrent gynecological and urological infections
- Sensitivity to sound
- Inability to concentrate, brain fog
- Headaches and pressure
- Nausea
- Hot flashes
- Chills
- Very painful period
- Gum pain
- Strange pressure in the knees, inability to walk
Following advice from people around me, I changed my general practitioner, who, seeing my deteriorating health, prescribed stronger antibiotics for 3 weeks. I was really hoping they would improve my condition; at that point, I was praying for any partial or temporary relief. A few days after starting the antibiotics, however, came a shock that landed me in the ER. My symptoms intensified tenfold, and I had excruciating pain in my arms and legs, at times unable to even walk. Intense pain radiated from my head into my back and left arm. I didn’t know what was happening to me, the symptoms were terrifying. Basic tests, however, came back normal, so I continued with the antibiotics. In hindsight, I now understand that my worsening symptoms were a Herxheimer reaction (herx) – a response from my body to the toxins released as a result of the mass destruction of bacteria. It was actually a good sign that the treatment was working and the infection was being cleared from my body. This reaction is usually temporary, lasting from a few hours to several days. About two weeks into the treatment, everything turned around for me, and I finally felt like I did before – pain-free, full of energy, and filled with hope that the nightmare I had been waking up to for 2 years had finally ended.
The relief didn’t last long, and just a few days after stopping the antibiotics, I hit another wall - the original symptoms returned with full force. Several doctors told me that after all the antibiotics I had taken, all the infections must surely be cured by now, and they saw no reason for any further treatment. While my general practitioner’s approach was great, he admitted that there was nothing more he could do for me. At that point, I spent my days lying in bed - officially healthy and healed, but in reality, unable to do anything at all.
The Isolation and the Surrounding Misunderstanding of My Struggle
My health forced me to make the difficult decision to quit my job and pause my studies, which led to the loss of most of my social connections. I felt incredibly alone and isolated. While everyone else's lives seemed to move forward, mine had come to a standstill, and I could do nothing but watch. The biggest challenge in terms of how others perceived my situation was that, outwardly, there was hardly any sign of how bad I really felt. My test results were normal, I had no visible injuries, and I looked relatively fine. So when I would run into someone I knew (on my way to the doctor, or while out for a walk), the idea that I had to lie in bed all day, unable to work, seemed absurd to them. People had a hard time understanding my condition - some thought I was strange, emotionally unstable, others saw me as a hypochondriac. On a daily basis, I was met with comments like:
- “It can't be that bad, we're all tired.“
- “If they didn't find anything, it must be all in your head.“
- “Stop feeling sorry for yourself, others have problems too.“
- “Just think positive.“
This is what I looked like during my worst suffering and pain. Lyme disease is often an invisible illness.
I don’t want to blame anyone, nor could I. If I hadn’t gone through this whole experience myself, it’s very likely I would have viewed it the same way. However, my closest family members knew me well, and it was clear to them that I wasn’t making up my symptoms. They knew I would give anything to be able to exercise again, work, study, and enjoy life. Even so, they too felt confused by the situation, and their inability to help me weighed heavily on them.
Even though I went through some incredibly dark moments during this time, often crying for entire days and nights, my will to live always prevailed. That’s why I decided to take my health into my own hands and continue searching for the cause on my own.
Determined to Find the Cause of My Problems
While my peers were finishing their studies and starting to build their careers, I was lying in bed for days on end. Despite my poor physical and mental state, I spent each day going through countless scientific studies and articles, searching for similar stories or experiences from others that might give me a starting point. The fact that I always felt at least some relief after taking antibiotics convinced me that the problem was likely of an infectious nature and not just a result of my mental state. But how could this be, when all my blood tests came back normal, with no abnormalities in my blood work or inflammation markers?
The diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) I was given was linked to very pessimistic information and prognosis:
"The condition is associated with a very low quality of life; 75% of patients are forced to leave their jobs, and about 25% of patients with a very severe course are unable to leave their home or bed, except in rare cases. Only around 5% of patients fully recover."
However, I refused to accept this. I saw CFS as just a label, a consequence, not the root cause of my struggles. The more I educated myself, the more I encountered the topic of Lyme disease. But I automatically ruled it out in my case because I had been tested for it multiple times with negative results (repeatedly by my GP, infectious disease specialist, rheumatologist, and hematologist). I also couldn’t recall ever having a tick bite, let alone the so-called "red rash" – erythema migrans. At the time, I had no idea how controversial Lyme disease testing actually was. The cheapest tests, like the ELISA ones I had done repeatedly, are often falsely negative. In cases of long-term infections, the immune system may become so weakened that it barely produces, if at all, the necessary antibodies. And that was exactly my case.
Two years after the initial symptoms began, my extensive research led me to a private doctor specializing in unclear and chronic atypical conditions. I decided to undergo testing with him, including specialized blood tests for chronic infections, despite their rather high cost. I had no choice; each day, I felt worse. A week after the tests, the doctor informed me that I had Lyme disease.
Diagnosis: Lyme Disease
At first, I felt an immense sense of relief, knowing that we had finally uncovered the cause of my unexplained symptoms. It's not just in my head! There's also a common belief that Lyme disease is relatively easy to treat, and I could recover quickly. However, the doctor who specializes in these chronic, resistant infections immediately warned me that in its chronic stage, the disease is highly resistant and requires long-term treatment with a combination of multiple antibiotics. The infection can remain in the body without symptoms for years. It was likely an older infection I hadn't been aware of, which hadn't been addressed in time. The bacteria had had the chance to colonize my entire body, and thanks to the formation of biofilms and their ability to change their form, they gradually penetrated deeper and deeper. The infection was only detected through specialized, more sensitive tests.
A Year of Antibiotic Treatment: A Turning Point or Another Disappointment?
The doctor recommended a year-long treatment using a combined antibiotic protocol under his supervision, fully funded by the patient, as it was an unconventional treatment. I had always been the type of person who avoided synthetic medications whenever possible; we hardly kept any medicine at home, and we never needed it. But by that point, I was no longer able to function at all, and I hadn’t received any answers from other doctors. I was overwhelmed by a sea of contradictory information and opinions. So, despite the risks and the impact it would have on my body, I decided to go ahead with the treatment. Many people, including doctors in my circle, discouraged me from taking such a step, claiming they had never encountered such a treatment and certainly wouldn’t recommend it. But I had no choice. Trying to study and investigate on my own, with my worsening condition, had become incredibly difficult. I was overwhelmed by feelings of confusion and uncertainty, but there was finally a glimmer of hope that I could return to my old life. I secretly hoped that the antibiotic treatment would be the "magic pill" and the final step in my healing journey...
When I first went to pick up my medication for the first month and a half of treatment, the pharmacist was in shock. Her facial expression clearly showed that she had never seen anything like this before. In addition to antibiotics, the doctor had also prescribed supplemental medications, vitamins, and dietary supplements to enhance the treatment’s effectiveness and help me manage it. To my surprise, I tolerated the antibiotics well. Since I had never been on long-term medication before and my body had been spared from any pharmaceutical interventions up until that point, I didn’t experience any side effects. The only issue I encountered during treatment was an overgrowth of Candida in my body, despite taking probiotics and following a low-carb diet. As a result, I became quite underweight during the treatment, as I had to drastically adjust my diet. We also incorporated both synthetic and natural antifungal medications into the treatment. Throughout the entire course, I regularly underwent basic blood tests (including liver function tests), all of which remained normal.
For the first six months, I was continuously on one type of antibiotic, while we rotated and cycled through others. When certain antibiotics were introduced, I experienced herxing - temporary worsening of symptoms. On this regimen, I started feeling progressively better, and I was even able to successfully complete my university studies. Depression, sadness, and anxiety slowly gave way to hope, optimism, and renewed self-confidence.
In the second half of my treatment, I was no longer on antibiotics every day. My schedule alternated between days on and off the medication, roughly half and half. Unfortunately, under this regimen, my symptoms began gradually returning to their original severity. I knew I couldn’t stay on antibiotics forever - I was utterly exhausted by them. On top of that, my issues with Candida were worsening. The outcome I had feared most became my reality: after completing the year-long antibiotic treatment, I found myself feeling almost exactly as I had before it began.
During the summer after stopping antibiotics, my condition was still relatively manageable - summer had always brought me a bit of relief. I could function, though in a limited capacity. It was also during this time that, for the first time, my ELISA test for Borrelia came back positive, indicating that my body had started producing antibodies. But what was I supposed to do next? I knew all too well that with the arrival of fall, my symptoms would likely worsen once again—and that’s exactly what happened.
The Controversy Surrounding Lyme Disease
During my antibiotic treatment, I started uncovering the deep-seated controversy surrounding Lyme disease. One of the first puzzling revelations was about testing itself—the fact that, even after repeated negative test results, you could still carry the disease. This is true even if you’ve never had a tick bite or the characteristic red rash known as erythema migrans.
Another puzzling aspect for me was the incredibly varied and often hard-to-believe range of symptoms, which differed greatly from one patient to another. In my case, they could change drastically, sometimes even from hour to hour. I also found it difficult to understand how someone could feel so unwell while blood tests consistently showed nothing abnormal.
There’s a lot of conflicting information online about how Lyme disease should be treated. Some sources claim that a three-week course of antibiotics is sufficient, and if symptoms persist afterward, the cause is either psychosomatic or a condition known as Post-Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS), where the infection is considered eradicated by antibiotics, but symptoms like pain, fatigue, and cognitive impairment continue. No specific treatment exists for this condition. Other experts view the disease as incurable if not treated in its acute phase, while some believe it can only be controlled. Some recommend long-term antibiotic therapy, while others advocate for strengthening the immune system and using herbal treatments.
Pessimism within the Community
As if it wasn’t enough to already feel physically and mentally unwell, you get lost in a sea of conflicting opinions and theories. Once you begin searching for information on treatment options and other people’s experiences, you’re likely to be consumed by even greater fear and despair. The lack of understanding from those around you, the silence surrounding the epidemic, the persistence of the infection after antibiotic treatment, frightening symptoms that linger, and links to autoimmune and other chronic diseases only add to the confusion. In communities of people suffering from long-term Lyme disease and its co-infections (such as Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, Bartonella, or Babesia), sadly, there’s a prevailing sense of pessimism and hopelessness, which is both understandable and heartbreaking.
As I continued my research, I came across stories of people who had been on antibiotics for years without ever being able to stop them, yet still didn't feel anywhere near ideal even while taking them. Some ended up on disability, unable to work and dependent on their loved ones, enduring immense pain every day. Others bounced from one therapy to another, their hope for a cure gradually fading. On one hand, I was relieved to know I wasn’t alone in this struggle. On the other hand, I realized that following these communities, forums, and discussions wasn’t going to lead me to recovery. So, I decided to focus on the stories of those who had healed. I refused to accept the idea that I couldn’t recover from this illness - I was determined to keep fighting and not give up.
Natural Lyme Disease Treatment – Buhner Protocol
In the fall of 2022, a few months after stopping the antibiotic treatment, my condition worsened as expected, and most of my original symptoms returned with full force. While I was grateful to have successfully completed my studies, I couldn’t even think about looking for a job. At least now, I knew what was causing my issues since Lyme disease had been confirmed through "conventional" methods. However, according to doctors, after a year of such intensive antibiotic treatment, I should have been cured, and any lingering symptoms were probably just in my head. My time spent in bed grew longer each day, and it became clear to me that the only solution was to take control of my health once again and quickly find an alternative, preferably natural and sustainable way to heal.
The more I researched Lyme disease, the more I kept coming across something called the Buhner Herbal Protocol. It seemed quite promising, with many people reporting improvements and even full recoveries. The idea that a combination of herbs could gradually weaken the bacteria while strengthening my body made sense to me. I was also really pleased to discover that it was a completely natural solution. The herbs were said to have broad-spectrum effects without the risk of resistance. However, I still had many questions about the protocol - what exactly should I take, in what form, how often, where to buy the herbs, and how long the treatment would last, to name just a few.
For this reason, I studied the most well-known book by perhaps the leading expert on Lyme disease, S. H. Buhner – Healing Lyme. In the book, he goes into great detail, clearly explaining how the bacteria operate in the body and how to effectively eliminate the infection naturally. What caught my attention was that he didn’t see the solution solely in killing bacteria but also emphasized the importance of modulating the immune system and protecting and restoring tissues. Since Borrelia is never present in the body alone and coinfections are always involved, I decided to read additional books on natural protocols for coinfections like Mycoplasma, Chlamydia, Bartonella, Babesia, Anaplasma, and Ehrlichia. I had tests confirming the first two, but I hadn’t been tested for the others, though based on my symptoms, I suspected I had additional infections as well.
A crucial piece of information for me was the success rate of Buhner’s protocol, which he cites in Healing Lyme, based on feedback from doctors, naturopaths, and patients:
“75% of patients fully recovered thanks to the protocol, 15% had to continue with minimal doses of some herbs to prevent symptoms from returning, 5% experienced only partial relief, and the remaining 5% found the protocol to be ineffective.”
Finally, some hope, and from someone with years of experience in treating this disease! I went ahead and bought all the herbs and supplements I could find and dove into the treatment with full force.
Buhner's Protocol - Not All Protocols Are the Same
At the beginning, I followed Buhner's protocol in a rather chaotic way, desperately trying to achieve quick results and any improvement I could. I took high doses of all the herbs from the protocols for various co-infections simultaneously. I felt that if I didn’t take everything in maximum doses right away, I wouldn’t recover from the illness. I bought herbs from different suppliers, with price being my only criterion for selection. Understandably, since I wasn’t working at the time, I needed to save wherever I could. I didn’t realize the risks I was putting my already struggling body in by acting this way. I also didn’t pay much attention to the form of the herbs (alcoholic/non-alcoholic tinctures, tablets, powders, extracts...), I just took whatever was available.
At this point, I was already prepared for the possibility of experiencing a Herxheimer reaction (Herx) during my natural Lyme treatment. As I mentioned earlier in my story, this is a temporary worsening of symptoms caused by the die-off of pathogens in the body. It’s important to understand that a mild Herx is a normal part of the healing process, signaling that the body is responding to the treatment. However, if the reaction is more intense, it's recommended to reduce the dosage, slow down the process, and focus more on detoxification.
After about six months on this somewhat chaotic protocol, I unfortunately only noticed minimal improvement. However, I didn’t give up and still believed the protocol would work for me. Treating a chronic illness is a long-term commitment, and one must be patient. I couldn’t accept the idea that I might be one of the 5% of people who wouldn't respond to Buhner’s protocol...
In the fall of 2023, six months after starting Buhner’s protocol, I did feel some slight improvement, but I still felt too unwell to be able to work. On top of that, winter was approaching, bringing with it the anticipated worsening of symptoms. I knew it was time to make some changes in my approach to treatment.
While educating myself about Buhner's protocol and phytotherapy for Lyme disease treatment, I came across an online store specializing in herbal products for Lyme – Onlyx. I decided to reach out to them for guidance on choosing the best treatment and products for my needs. Based on their recommendation, I began using BORELISET (a Lyme disease package based on the Buhner’s protocol), alternating between capsule and tincture forms to achieve the best results, as each form contains a slightly different spectrum of medicinal compounds. I gradually introduced the products, following the exact recommendations I received, and eventually worked my way up to the doses indicated on the packaging (about half of what Buhner recommends). They emphasized that the treatment needs to be approached holistically and that patience is essential. I also received advice on lifestyle adjustments to support my body throughout the treatment. This included detoxing, the importance of regular exercise and fresh air, dietary changes, incorporating essential vitamins and minerals, and staying hydrated. By that point, most of these practices were already well-established in my routine, as I had been dealing with Lyme disease for quite some time, and I had developed strong habits since childhood. For me, the most crucial aspect was working on stress reduction and getting my body into a calm state where it could heal and regenerate.
I’ll never forget the phone call in September with Tom, the founder of the Onlyx project, who had successfully overcome chronic Lyme disease himself. He was absolutely certain that by Christmas, I’d be healthy again, and he didn’t even entertain the thought of any other possibility. To be honest, after over 4 years of struggle, such optimism felt completely unrealistic to me. But to my surprise, things really did start to improve gradually! The strange thing, however, was that the improvement and the gradual disappearance of symptoms were so subtle that I hardly noticed them. The real change became apparent when I started filling up my calendar, no longer having to cancel plans, and spending more and more time outside my home. It wasn’t until I sat down, consciously compared my current health to how I’d felt a few months earlier, that I realized I was almost symptom-free. Christmas 2023 was the first one in a long time that I truly looked forward to. It was a definite turning point on my journey back to health.
I can hardly imagine what it is like right now to wake up every morning in pain, with no energy, and that never-ending feeling of having the flu. Since finishing my year-long course of antibiotics (May 2022), I haven't taken any antibiotics. At present, I’m only on a “maintenance dose” of BORELISET - 1 capsule daily of INFLAM, IMUN, and INFEX*, along with 1 capsule of DUOTOX for detox support and liver health, plus basic vitamins and minerals. I can feel that this combination is effective for me, not just for Lyme-related symptoms, but also for other things, like seasonal viruses or occasional cold sores, which I used to deal with from time to time.
* Update: As of fall 2024, I no longer take any herbal remedies and am completely symptom-free.
From my very first contact with Onlyx, I felt that this connection had the potential to grow into something deeper and meaningful. On a personal, ethical, and even storytelling level, I really resonated with the team, and that’s why I decided to become a part of it. It’s an honor to work for such an honest project, one that places absolute emphasis on the highest quality and purity of its products. My goal is to support as many people as possible on their journey to health, share my experiences and knowledge, and bring hope and effective solutions 😊.
Key Lessons from Herbal Treatment Using the Buhner Protocol
Looking back, I realize the huge mistakes I made when initially starting and using the Buhner Protocol, and how crucial it is to follow the protocol correctly.
My key takeaways that I would be more aware of if I were to start again:
- Herbs/products should be introduced gradually (start with one in the first week, then add another in the second week) and test their tolerance.
- Start with smaller doses and gradually increase them (the final dosage is individual - everyone needs a different amount, so it’s important to monitor and adjust).
- Each form of herbs contains a slightly different spectrum of healing compounds.
- Potency/strength varies between different forms of herbs (for example, alcohol tinctures are stronger than alcohol-free glycerin tinctures).
- Buy herbs from reputable suppliers with clear sourcing (otherwise, there’s a risk of contaminants like pesticides, mold, heavy metals, etc.).
If I were to face a chronic infection like this again, I wouldn’t opt for long-term antibiotic treatment a second time. I’d go straight to the natural route. However, I don’t regret it - I did what I thought was best at the time with the knowledge I had. It's important to note, though, that if faced with an acute infection, I wouldn’t hesitate for a second to go with antibiotics.
I can say with certainty that the Buhner Protocol was one of the strongest pillars of my successful treatment, but it was not the only one.
Other Key Elements to My Healing
Despite the gradual improvement I experienced with the Buhner Protocol, I still felt it was crucial to understand why the disease had developed in my case. I wanted to address the root causes and strengthen my body so it could defend itself against infections like it used to. Our bodies are capable of so much, and they always do their best to protect us. Illness and symptoms are signals that something needs to change because the current state of being is no longer sustainable for the body. For each person, the path to illness is shaped by a unique combination of factors. It’s like a puzzle that everyone has to figure out, piece by piece, through trial and error. For me, this process took four years. If someone had told me at the start of my illness what I eventually discovered, I wouldn’t have believed them.
Thanks to my parents and the healthy habits they taught me as a child, I’ve always been conscious of maintaining a balanced diet, staying hydrated, getting plenty of exercise outdoors, soaking up the sun, ensuring enough sleep, and following other health-promoting routines. However, for me, the real challenge was stress - not the acute stress we experience before an exam or important presentation, but chronic, long-term stress that built up in my subconscious and manifested in various areas of my life. When the body is under stress, processes like digestion, healing, and immune system support are suppressed. The body enters what’s known as the “fight-or-flight” mode, where it cannot heal or regenerate. A certain amount of stress is perfectly natural and even necessary for proper functioning in life, but problems arise when stress becomes chronic, and our bodies remain in this fight-or-flight state for extended periods. The opposite of this state is the “rest-and-digest” mode, which promotes relaxation, a sense of safety, and helps maintain the body’s homeostasis.
Before the onset of the illness, I felt like everything in my life was perfectly fine - I was happy, balanced, and stress-free. But now, I realize just how powerful our subconscious mind can be. In reality, there were many things in my life that weighed me down, things I wasn't truly aligned with, and I was subconsciously carrying a huge amount of stress. Step by step, I started to uncover these underlying issues and worked on addressing them. This process had a huge impact on my health.
An important step on my journey to health was learning to calm myself and eliminate the stress caused by the illness and its often unpleasant and frightening symptoms. Over time, I learned to accept the symptoms instead of fighting against them, as resisting them only adds more stress to the body. I began to see them as signals from my body, indicating that something needed to change. I realize that in the first few years of the illness, I was under extreme stress from everything that was happening, and in that state, the body simply cannot heal. It’s essential to replace reading negative posts or articles with positive stories from people who have healed. If one person can do it, so can anyone.
A crucial realization for me was recognizing that I fall into the category of people with a Type A personality. I have always been a perfectionist, highly focused on performance and achieving results. I was subconsciously programmed to believe that everything I did had to be at 120%. Over time, I learned to recognize the unhealthy patterns in my thoughts and behaviors, gradually lowering the pressure and expectations I placed on myself, and making an effort to rest more. However, this is still an area I continue to work on.
How Do I Feel Now?
With great humility and respect, I can honestly say that I feel fantastic. I wake up every morning full of energy, the flu-like symptoms have disappeared, along with all the other unpleasant symptoms. I can once again fully engage in work, sports, and spending time with my family and friends. I am incredibly grateful to Mr. Buhner, who has done an extraordinary amount of work in his research and books, helping millions of people with this diagnosis, including me.
My journey has been long and challenging, but it has taught me so much about patience, resilience, and the importance of believing in myself and in the process, even during the toughest times. I have learned how crucial it is not to be discouraged by the negative opinions of others and how essential it is to listen to my body and trust my intuition. Today, I can confidently say that Lyme disease ultimately led me down a path I would have never discovered otherwise, and I am currently experiencing one of the happiest and most fulfilling periods of my life. I have always valued life and found joy in it, but Lyme disease has taken that to a whole new level. It has become my moral duty to raise awareness about this issue and help as many people as possible who are struggling with this illness. If I could overcome it, you can too!
Zuzana Klimentová - If you happen to have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out via email - I’ll be more than happy to help 😊